Tuesday, February 14

This week has been great! We sold our home in Neal, which enables us to get some things we have been wanting; like a car that doesn't terrify you to drive in! My step-sister is being induced today - 2/14 - to bring into this world Elijah! So I really need to finish her nursing cover. Yesterday, I put together some homemade dishwashing detergent. I found some recipes while searching on the web and went with the one listed below. I have decided to go "homemade" with as many possible things I can around this house to save money. With meat, milk and gas being so expensive it seems the basics we need to live are becoming too much to handle. So I am doing the homemade dishwasher detergent and soon I'll be using homemade laundry soap. 
I washed a load last night and it worked great. I don't have the best-portable-garage sale- find dishwasher around so anything to improve the cleaning performance of the ol' girl makes me happy! And well I approve. Since we have hard water living out here in the country I added more Borax to aid in "softening" it. Which, before I used to throw a tablespoon or so in the bottom of my dishwasher for that reason. 
Borax and Arm & Hammer have all natural ingredients and are safe to wash dishes with. Consuming large amounts of either can be harmful/deadly, so do not do that. If you need more information of the safety of either you can do some research on your own. I love Borax. I used it to clean our rental home we had to move into in November. This house was consumed in cigarette smoke. And the rental agency didn't do a very good job of cleaning it. It was gross, brought tears to my eyes, literally! The old tenants lived here for 8 years, so you can imagine the ickyness! (yes, I just used a toddler word - that happens when you are with one all day) Anyways, to wash the walls, ceilings I used half cup borax to a tablespoon of Dawn Dish Soap to 3 quarts of water. And for shampooing the carpets I used 1/4 cup of Tide Laundry detergent with Febreze with two heaping tablespoons of Borax. See Borax is a deodorizer, and sanitizes so it worked perfect. And needless to say, my house is clean as ever and you can't even tell anyone smoked it. Trust me, I ask every guest who comes here!

I bought all the ingredients from Wal-Mart.

~Lemi-Shine $3.96
~Borax -  $3.38
~Super Washing Soda - $3.24
~ White Vinegar -  $1.82

(See Fred our Fish! :) He likes pictures)

Mix 1 cup of Lemi-Shine, 2 cups of Borax ( I used 2 1/2 due to hard water), 2 cups of Super Washing Soda in a plastic container.

Make sure to Label the container to remind yourself and others on the procedure in using this dishwashing detergent.

Use two Tablespoons per Load.
Use the White Vinegar as your rinse agent. You can re-use all these ingredients to make another batch at most two more times, except the lemi-shine. Also, instead of using lemi-shine you can use four packets of Lemonade-Flavored Kool-Aid, ONLY lemon, or you'll dye your dishwasher! and ONLY unsweetened Kool-Aid! Next time, I might try the packets, they will probably be cheaper.  Also, you could use citric acid. Here is a link to those recipes in case you would like try those instead. 

Well, I hope you all have a Blessed Week. This lady needs to get busy with homework - eekk! 

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